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Thread: Yuffie...a cop?

  1. #1
    Learner Yuffie...a cop? CloudTide's Avatar
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    Question Yuffie...a cop?

    How do you think it would effect the story if Yuffie was a cop instead of a ninja? please tell summary of the changes YOU think would be made if this happened.
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  2. #2
    Memento Rhapso Yuffie...a cop? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    She'd only be able to affect D.O.C. then, seeing as she's an extra/secret character in FFVII but a supporting character/ main character in D.O.C. And by affecting that, Vincent dies in the first ten minutes because Yuffie saves him or something, I dono, I haven't played it. Back to story
    Yuffie is a cop - No storyline change. Weapon change: Gun. She just joins the party and probably arrests Cloud for Mako Abuse, Tifa for Prostitution, and Barret for Racial Profiling XD
    Her choosing to be a cop starts a horrible chain reaction of murders running from Wutai out into the world and eventually enveloping everything in mass genocide
    Good work, you killed everyone lol
    Last edited by Rhaps; 05-03-2010 at 03:55 PM.

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  3. #3
    Learner Yuffie...a cop? CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    Yeah i also dont think that would efect anything except for Wutai mostly. Also it would change the whole moment of when she encountered Zack in CC.
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  4. #4
    The Lone Dagger Yuffie...a cop? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    If Yuffie were a cop instead of a ninja/thief I don't think it would change the entire story that much but it definitely would change how you meet her at Wutai and what goes on there. It would definitely change her personality too, she wouldn't be the happy go lucky person that peps up the whole part. She'd probably be very hardened by the time that the party came on to her and idk how they would work her taking the challenge of the tower if she weren't a thief but I'm sure Square could come up with a good plot line

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  5. #5
    I want to play a game. Yuffie...a cop? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    Hopefully she wouldn't steal the player's materia in FFVII. If she didn't steal the materia I would no longer want to torture her for the rest of her life; I'm not saying that, that part of the game was hard just that her actions were annoying and when she rejoins nobody scolds her. If she was going to be a cop in Crisis Core then Zack would've got the treasure chests on those missions involving Yuffie. Finally maybe as a cop she would decide to button her pants.

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  6. #6
    Registered User Yuffie...a cop? tetsu346's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Hopefully she wouldn't steal the player's materia in FFVII. If she didn't steal the materia I would no longer want to torture her for the rest of her life; I'm not saying that, that part of the game was hard just that her actions were annoying and when she rejoins nobody scolds her. If she was going to be a cop in Crisis Core then Zack would've got the treasure chests on those missions involving Yuffie. Finally maybe as a cop she would decide to button her pants.

    lol but as you guys were saying it wouldnt change much

  7. #7

    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    I could probably see Yuffie as a cop, it could provide some interesting situations in the game:

    She would be predjudiced against people who are from or related to those from Shinra because she holds a grudge against them for what happened to Wutai. She would harass a family of a Shinra guard and Cloud and the others would try to stop her. After the fight Yuffie would find out what Cloud and the group is trying to do and join them.

    Later in the game, we learn why Yuffie does the things she does and admits that she left Wutai and is on bad terms with her dad for letting Wutai become the way it was. And even later, she finds about Reeve and Cait Sith and realizes that not everyone from Shinra is neccesarily evil. Then, through the Wutai pagoda sidequest, she patches things up with her dad.

    That's what I think could happen anyway.

  8. #8
    Registered User Yuffie...a cop? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    What makes you ask this? Random. haha.

    Well, for starters she wouldn't try and steal your materia, right? And she'd refuse to equip Steal/Mug materia. And the ending would be less epic, because she would definitely arrest Sephiroth for trying to kill everything and everyone.

    "Sephiroth! You're under arrest for the crime of attempted mass suicide! Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law!"

  9. #9

    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    Honestly I think the only thing that would change is encountering her, and her maturity level, I thought she was a cute character but annoying at sometimes...she was my least favorite character

  10. #10
    Dan the man Yuffie...a cop?
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    Lol i think thats the silliest thing ive ever heard....i didnt really care for her too much.....but i will say I care for cops even screw that =) Id rather her throw weapons than shoot a gun =O.....but handcuffs would be kinky =)

  11. #11

    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    To be perfectly honest I think it would be crap. She is well funny as a Ninja making her into a cop would make her boring and unfunny leave her as she is.

  12. #12

    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    hey everyone about yuffie she would not make a good cop she is better as a ninja because yuffie has really good weapons and she is a good charictor to use.sorry for my spelling im not that yuffie is good and iv used hre before the weapons i like of hers are the christal cross and the razor ring and her ultimate weapon.but then again yuffie proberly would make a good cop cause she is fast and the sharp weapons she has if she threw one of thoses they would accually kill u lol.

  13. #13
    Bananarama Yuffie...a cop? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    I don't think it would change anything. She steals your materia... or as a cop she could confiscate it as contraband. Same shit.

    She wasn't that great of a character to begin with, so it's a big whatever. The real question is "what if Barret was asian?" You don't see any asian Mr. T's, do ya?
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  14. #14

    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    I never did a discussion post. I should start!

    Yeah. Yuffie doesn't suit the cop agenda. There is an alternate decision if you don't have her in your party using the right questions, she will steal from Cloud and run. She even steals and play games time later AS your party member. Can't say she's a dirty cop, but a mere thief until she joins cloud and progresses.

    It would ruin things a bit because her father is holding dojo... Can't help her up the tower against her father if he's the chief of police in the area. Wouldn't make sense of her role as a skilled thief with guile ninja skills.

    And her Wutai origin is very oriental based. When you go orient, you can never go back (or... yeah. take the metaphor with a pound of jewelry).
    Last edited by Hiji; 12-15-2010 at 06:56 PM.

  15. #15
    Registered User Yuffie...a cop? xxpanzasanchoxx's Avatar
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    Re: Yuffie...a cop?

    I think if Yuffie was a cop, she wouldn't be from wu-tai, and would probably be from junon or something. She's too much of a brat to pull off being a cop, you would have to change the attitude to a much more mature one to help justify being a cop. I think it would've made for a bland background story, and of course there's already a gunslinger in vincent so I don't think it would have turned out well.
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